On Rejection: Cut In All The Right Places!
One Pastor taught me that my destiny was never tied to anyone who left.
T.D Jakes said, ” Surround yourself with people whose definition of you is not based on your history but your destiny!”
My destiny IS tied to the One who died so that I might live, whose name is the One Who Is, The One Who Was and the One Who Is To Come. He is my past, my present and my future.
How I live in the tension of the rejection of man and acceptance of Jesus is what determines my direction in the Kingdom. Make no mistake rejection will come. Rejection is common to man for many reasons. However, what I choose to do with it will either strengthen me or destroy me.
Satan’s evil inheritance for me is to live rejected and thus be rendered inoperable for the Kingdom. Living rejected makes me walk like a victim and partner with self pity. The Devil tries to tell me who I am but what he does to me through people!!
On the other side Jesus Himself IS my inheritance. Jesus tells me who I am by what He did FOR me!~I am accepted in the Beloved!
There is spiritual development in the trial of rejection if I purpose see it from His vantage point and partner with Him through the trial. Sometimes people just gotta go. It hurts, it’s hard but letting Him cut me in all the right places makes me a VVSI diamond! A jewel in His crown and a diamond in His ring.
One thing I am known for repeating pretty consistently is, “Feel what you feel but go to God.”
My feelings are strong and real and need an outlet to be released. Denying strong feelings is not what He says to do. He says,’Come to me’, and gave me models in His Word of mighty people who did just that! King David lamented, Jeremiah was called the Weeping Prophet, God said to Isaiah, “Come let us reason together”.
I choose to and “get to” do this with Him. A dozen times a day, a hundred times a day as often as I need to release deep anguish and despair. He knows me. He sees me. He is with me. He never tires of me or tells me, “Seriously Jill, we just went through this.”
I have a patient, kind Father who will sit with me time and time again to give me what I need through every heart ache and every fear.
Today, I am not “defined” by rejection but I am magnificently “refined” through it by the One who takes me through the valley of death and darkness every single time!
He said, “Though Father and Mother may forsake you I will take you in.” He knows full well the sting of rejection and betrayal because He came to His own and they knew Him not. He is my model and He is my Savior in all rejecting circumstances real or perceived. He is my perfection who gives me His perspective. At His feet, wonders never cease.
Jill Shankles Armor of Light