Armor of Light

When creating this curriculum I determined that it was time for the Bride of Christ to have a place to do some deep dive processes around many of the elements that can stay hidden when we meet for bible studies and home groups in our respective churches.  The power of a group of God’s people getting together to share their experiences in a nonjudgmental, antishame environment is the place of connection that I believe is missing in some of our circles.  Every group attendee becomes invested in the success of the other members. Your win is my win!  Group members process, pray, and share, to whatever degree they feel comfortable, about their lives regarding such topics as rejection, shame, identity, and fear.  

The place of connection is where chains break. The place of connection is where people get to be heard. The Word of God says we overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.  Just to be heard and accepted is so very valuable, especially if someone has felt they have never been understood before.  Our God has hardwired us for community and in the Armor of Light fellowship, this is what you will

Whatever your level of faith I encourage you to attend Armor of Light. The group collective is such a powerful arena!  The strength of it is that no one is in the same place in their lives or their faith.  Group members not only get to draw on the experiences and strengths of one another but also get to provide support, affirmation, and love to one another.  The series is designed to meet people where they are; our differences make us beautiful. Having people at different places in life and in their faith brings a wealth of life experiences to the table of the group context.  

Some have come to Armor of Light with very pressing and serious issues that they are desperate to overcome. Others have come needing a safe place for connection and fellowship, some crave a deeper walk with Jesus, and some come who just have questions about God and who they are but ALL leave with new connections, perspectives, and breakthroughs from the Lord. I am very confident when I say that Jesus is with us in the Armor of Light series.  Because He wrote it and when we gather Jesus is with us!

One word to describe the ten-week series is BREAKTHROUGH! Do you need one?  Do you need to be in a safe place to process and get connected?  If you answered yes to either question then Armor of Light is for you. You will be changed in the ten-week process, of this I am fully confident. The cost is $275.00 for the whole series.  I will work with anyone on payments who feels compelled to attend, I also have scholarships available if this is not an easy time financially. Participants will have the full Armor of Light curriculum in their possession by the end of the series.

Armor of Light is a ten weeks series dedicated to the arming and equipping of the saints through intimate process, inner healing, Relationship Prayer and deliverance.

There is a component to the series that I felt was very important and that is the small group process that meets every week.  A process group is a small ensemble (7-10) that consists of deep introspection and discussion over each topic presented.  This process creates an intimate space for everyone to bond over the topic of the week as we share our personal experiences on the subject.  In my years of experience as a counselor, I have found again and again that the small group process is where the magic happens.

So Jesus is doing amazing healing 4 me. After Jill prayed, removing unnatural ties to those that I bonded with my whole life, I now feel extremely free and have no desire 4 anything other than Christ’s way of life!
— Bonnie Stang
I have grown in the ability to love myself. I’ve learned that God loves me for who I am and not for what I do or don’t do. I have learned to use the Word as a part of my armor in the spiritual battle. This Armor of Light series is for anyone wating to grow in their walk with the Lord.
— Shannah
Armor of Light Round Three: Armor of Light has been a valuable experience. It was not only the class but the woman of God who put it together by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jill has taught me how to access those deep places of my heart and let Jesus get to the root. Not on my own but with my Savior by my side. He must go with us so that we are safe and find freedom knowing where Jesus was in that place of our life. Jill has helped me to see Jesus as a loving Savior that will that will wait on us until we are ready. he is that perfect gentleman. Thank you Jill for teaching me the simple tools to uproot those places in my soul with the help of my Savior Jesus!

John 6:37 All that the Father give to me will come to me and whoever comes to me I will never cast out
— Danielle
I attended the Armor of Light and what a blessing it has been for myself and those who surround me.
This experience changed me and brought me closer to GOD! I began giving thanks for the blessings in my life and living life with a new perspective. I was not longer captive. I have forgiven those who have hurt me, not for them but for me. I deserve it! I gave away the bitterness and resentment that was holding me hostage. I now live each day with gratitude for the wonderful things GOD has set out in my path. The path that he has for me, not the one I think I want. His path is the right path and I just have to stay on it and worship daily and spread the word. 9 weeks was worth it and I would do it all again, if I could have the healing I have today. I have never felt so free and clear as I do now.
Let go and give it to GOD!
— Gina Grasso

Armor of Light Conference 2018. Jill sits with Melissa and examples Relationship Prayer.

Armor of Light Testimony March 2024


Do you long to receive the love of God but just can’t seem to get it past your head to your heart? Have you tried to serve or give your way out of problems that plague your life as a believer?